Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide now available.

Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide by James O'Rear now available for purchase, click here to see the book: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Blog Archive

Saturday 19 December 2009

End of the year catch-up

I swear I blinked and time sped up, I can hardly believe the year is quickly coming to an end. 2009 was, to say the least, a crazy year what with moving from England to Arizona and attempting to take advantage of the numerous opportunities afforded by the aviation traffic in this area of the country.

One great bit of news is that my image of an RF-4 Phantom in the pattern over Davis-Monthan AFB was included in the December issue of COMBAT AIRCRAFT magazine. Seen in an earlier blog post I can't tell you what a joy it is to see these great aircraft resurrected from the Boneyard of the 309th AMARG (even though they'll be shot down for testing & training purposes).

Another pat on the back is that an image I took while on a "residency maintenance" trip to Anchorage was picked by my fellow Arizona Aviation Photographer members as their DEC '09 Photo of the Month. Some seriously talented folks there so I'm quite honored.

A scheduled trip to the Yuma, AZ and El Centro, CA areas yielded many fantastic images. Yuma is home to the sole Marine Aggressor squadron as well as Harrier, Super Stallion and Huey squadrons. El Centro is a very busy training base as well as the training home for the Blue Angels. Here's a quick peek, still more images in the queue:





I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year's holiday. Keep your head on a swivel, you never know whene those pesky aircraft might sneak up behind you to demonstrate a little tactical surprise.

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About Me

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Fairfield, California, United States
James O'Rear is an avid photographer specializing in aviation imagery (but anything in front of his camera is fair game). He currently lives in breezy Fairfield, California. He is a member the Arizona Aviation Photographers and the International Society for Aviation Photography. He is also the author of "Aviation Photography: a pictorial guide". More of James' photography can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/james_orear