Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide now available.

Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide by James O'Rear now available for purchase, click here to see the book: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Blog Archive

Tuesday 16 November 2010

A day in the life....

0300- Awake.... cold and allergies... ugh

0445- Please see 0300 entry.

0600- Awake... make coffee... lay on couch.

0630- Awake again... coffee made... kids to school... cold and allergy medication with coffee... couch looks good... again.

0645- Realize the only flying B-29 Superfortress is just up the road and supposed to fly at noon yet my butt is on the couch... sigh..... FINE!

0715- Cameras loaded, ladder loaded, on-the-go breakfast of string cheese and protein bars loaded, GPS (a.k.a. British Betty because of her accent) pointed towards destination, coffee in hand and thermos close-by.

0730- Leaving Sahuarita and headed through Tucson and then on to Deer Valley Airport on the north end of Phoenix.

0800- I dislike traffic.

0810- Dislike is not a strong enough word. Contemplate alternatives.

0815- Alternative term HATE arrived at.

0820- Receive text message that National Science Foundation EC-130Q Hercules will be at Williams Gateway Airport (a.k.a. Willie), an ex-Air Force Base now small airport on the east side of Phoenix at 10-ish. Poke British Betty to find said airport.

0900- Breakfast burritos x2 from the dollar menu.

0945- British Betty wants me to turn down a railroad track but having been through this before I decide not to.

1005- Arrive at said airport, hear aircraft has dropped off of tracking website and may still be in Colorado. sigh Poke British Betty to get my to Deer Valley again, should work well as B-29 will fly at noon.

1020- EC-130Q lands at Willie. sigh Perhaps on the way back.

1045- Phoenix is just too damn big!

1049- Arrive at Deer Valley just in time to see large vintage 4-engined prop-driven silver bomber-esque aircraft coming perpendicular to runways. sigh

1049:30- Notice traffic pattern, gamble on finding an approach end location to photograph from at an airport I've never been to.

1054- B-29 Fifi comes into view: flaps down, gear down, sun on the "good" side for where I'm standing. Guy driving truck full of cinder blocks I'm next to gives me the WTH look then is distracted by large vintage 4-engined prop-driven silver bomber-esque aircraft going right over his head. Big smile. Both of us.

1115- Conclude every person in Deer Valley is at the airport and occupying all available parking spaces just to spite me. Reminiscent of a mall the morning of Black Friday with people driving around, fangs out, ready to pounce on an open space. I see a spot coming open and in a horrible act of self-preservation stick my hand into the sky as if pointing at something (to distract my opposition). It worked, I win a parking space!

Once through the Cutter Aviation complex (big thanks for hosting by the way) treated to three CAF aircraft: B-25 Maid in the Shade, B-17 Sentimental Journey and B-29 Fifi. I am suddenly in my happy place despite the resonating effects of hay fever and my cold every time I take a step. Meet three other Arizona Aviation Photographers members (Chris K., Bill and Walt) on the ramp. You can see us reflected in the prop spinner, I'm wearing the blue shirt making sniffling noises.

1205- Find out no flights that day, decide to try and catch the Herc back at Williams one last time.

1235- Phoenix is just too damn big! I'd be totally hosed if I ever lived someplace insanely huge like Los Angeles or Tokyo.

1255- Phone call- chocks pulled! *&#@!$%^%*^#$@

1305- Arrive at Willie. As I exit the van the #3 prop starts to spin. I win again!

1314- Wheels up. After two "you look like hell" comments I decide to pack it in and head home.

1345- Gas and McDonald's. Notice the gas price and think Phoenix is too damn expensive!

1500- Even at mid-afternoon I hate traffic. Perhaps its poor drivers but nonetheless....

1530- Driveway at my home sweet home. Download images, start blog entry. Medication and coffee. Yum. Pick images for blog, edit and compile for upload. Thank the good Lord for keeping me safe as it was a 400 mile day.

1835- Done and dusted. Enjoy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are stunning! Completely worth your suffering! ;-)

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About Me

My photo
Fairfield, California, United States
James O'Rear is an avid photographer specializing in aviation imagery (but anything in front of his camera is fair game). He currently lives in breezy Fairfield, California. He is a member the Arizona Aviation Photographers and the International Society for Aviation Photography. He is also the author of "Aviation Photography: a pictorial guide". More of James' photography can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/james_orear