Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide now available.

Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide by James O'Rear now available for purchase, click here to see the book: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Blog Archive

Sunday 5 December 2010

Fly In!

It has been said I have a unique way of thinking, especially when it comes to combining events thus allowing me to be "efficient" (or at least appear so). And so it was Saturday morning at 6:10 a.m. as I woke up my son, wished him Happy 21st Birthday and instructed to get in the van, we were going for a ride. A modicum of hemming and hawing followed, expertly ignored by me, and a short time later we were off into the crisp morning air with stars still hanging in the pre-dawn Arizona sky. Fourty-five minutes later Zac gave a little smile as I turned off the I-10 and onto AZ87 with the sign noting this was the way to Coolidge. I was taking him to the fly-in.

I had taken his younger brother to Coolidge but classes and schedules had always clashed until this day. With clear-ish skies and the element of surprise everything had come together. He was a bit miffed when I passed a McDonald's but it cleared when we arrived and rounded the corner of the hangar to see the local civic group offering a pancake breakfast which was greatly enjoyed by him. He later made the long journey across the airfield to where I had joined some of the other photographers I expected to encounter (I walked towards the little black specks he said later). I reached into the camera bag, pulled out my backup camera body with a nice long lens attached and handed it over.

"You might see something worth photographing in the next hour or so" I said with a smile on my face. And so we did.

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About Me

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Fairfield, California, United States
James O'Rear is an avid photographer specializing in aviation imagery (but anything in front of his camera is fair game). He currently lives in breezy Fairfield, California. He is a member the Arizona Aviation Photographers and the International Society for Aviation Photography. He is also the author of "Aviation Photography: a pictorial guide". More of James' photography can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/james_orear