Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide now available.

Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide by James O'Rear now available for purchase, click here to see the book: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Blog Archive

Thursday 15 January 2009

Did you hear that?

That great big SIGH as I finished my backlog of digital aircraft shots? Well I assure you it was a very big sigh. Now I still have a small queue of images from my time here in the UK but as far as digital files go, I'm caught up! I say digital as I still have a bunch of film-based images, most notable from a tour of the F-16 ramp at Moody AFB and a cruise on the USS Enterprise to sort through, but that's another project for the future.

So, feel free to follow this link to my Flickr page and browse through some of my favorite shots from a fantastic time spent at Lajes Field in the Azores, Portugal. There are both civilian as well as military aircraft, enough to keep you busy for a bit of time. And here's just a couple of examples for you:

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About Me

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Fairfield, California, United States
James O'Rear is an avid photographer specializing in aviation imagery (but anything in front of his camera is fair game). He currently lives in breezy Fairfield, California. He is a member the Arizona Aviation Photographers and the International Society for Aviation Photography. He is also the author of "Aviation Photography: a pictorial guide". More of James' photography can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/james_orear