Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide now available.

Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide by James O'Rear now available for purchase, click here to see the book: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Blog Archive

Monday 22 November 2010

Thanks ISAP!

One of the organizations I belong to is the International Society for Aviation Photography ISAP. I am a big fan of organized groups because I firmly believe that in such a group, the sum is greater than the parts. By this I mean that, while there are some wonderfully talented individuals within its ranks, all of them contribute to a collective body of knowledge that is extensive and valuable. At my first ISAP symposium held in Las Vegas I was able to sit in a room with some of the greatest aviation photographers, writers and the like in the world and gather in a huge amount of information. Some was presented in lecture format while others were simply trading old "there I was" stories (which I am easily sucked into) and I was fortunate to be on the periphery. I was in serious "sponge mode" trying to soak it all in!

I mention this because the folks at ISAP have done me the great honor of publishing in their December newsletter a short article I originally wrote for the ISAP forum about aviation photography opportunities available in the Tucson, Arizona area. I wrote the article for two reasons. One, I enjoy sharing what information I have with anyone interested in what I do. Over the years I have been befriended by some fantastic photographers who shared a nugget of information here and there to help out. I do the same when I'm given the opportunity. Second, it gives me a chance to talk more about ISAP and recruit members into the organization that I hope will contribute to the collective body of knowledge within the ranks. If every member contributes just one nugget of info, next thing you know there's a big old pile o' nuggets which can help us all become better photographers if we accept that gift afforded to us.

So thank you ISAP for giving me so much and, more importantly, for allowing me to give back.You can now view the entire PDF file HERE.

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About Me

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Fairfield, California, United States
James O'Rear is an avid photographer specializing in aviation imagery (but anything in front of his camera is fair game). He currently lives in breezy Fairfield, California. He is a member the Arizona Aviation Photographers and the International Society for Aviation Photography. He is also the author of "Aviation Photography: a pictorial guide". More of James' photography can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/james_orear